Wednesday, October 30, 2013

What The Fuck Larry

I think we enjoy it

I went only
To see the body
My wax friend
In a suit

Years later another friend
Cleaned up dressed up
Laid out by his friends
Now that cat was dead
That cat could play dead

I just killed a bug
In the kitchen
It’s getting cold

It’s the atmosphere
The living with
The dead
Breathing the dead
So much unburied
So well documented
That’s why you are
Dead when you are
And not was alive

Tomorrow’s all souls day
When the Portuguese feast
But with the earth dying
The trees slowly exploding
The sun unnoticeably distant
We are thinking already
Of next year hoping
for an early spring

Friday, October 25, 2013

she remembered what I told her
since then Jesus is God
the dead were old
the geese suicidal

Friday, August 16, 2013

you can forget
you forgot
what was once read
who it was loved
where you lived
and who was there
if you're lucky
lost on highways
you'll forget

Thursday, August 15, 2013

When I realized poetry’s not
What anyone’s said it is
Is when I realized god’s not
What any religion’s described
But God nonetheless